Managing Possums Pests And Diseases

Home Remedies to Get Rid of a Possum

Possums may be “out of sight, out of mind” most of the time, but even one can make a mess of your garden, get into the trash and pose a threat to pets. To get rid of possums, make your yard less attractive to them by making access to their food sources more difficult. Close off any areas they may use as dwellings, such as gaps beneath garden sheds and porches.

Discouraging Yard Visitors

A possum that visits your yard at night foraging for food will probably come back if it finds something to eat. It’s fairly easy to get rid of a possum that isn’t living in or under one of the structures on the property; just remove any potential food sources. Possums are omnivores, eating everything from trash to garden produce, insects and even mice. Even though they’re viewed as nuisances, possums can be beneficial to your yard, eating grubs, beetles, mice, other dead animals and even rats.

Garden Thieves

Possums may also munch on anything tasty they find in your garden. Install a chicken-wire fence approximately 4 feet high around the garden to discourage possums and other garden foragers such as rabbits. Do not attach the top 18 inches of the chicken wire to stakes; instead, bend the wire slightly outward. This way, any creature trying to climb the fence will fall outside of the garden, unable to get in

Possums in Residence

A mother possum may take up residence underneath your porch or shed, in the garage or even in the attic. If you’ve found one or more possums making a home in or around yours, look for all potential entry points. Block all but one hole by installing chicken wire or hardware cloth at least 8 inches beyond the hole, burying at least several inches of the wire beneath the dirt where applicable. Sprinkle the bottom of the entry hole with flour to be able to track footprints to ensure the possums have left before closing the hole. The possum will usually leave after sundown to forage for food. Closing the hole while the possum is away is the best way to get rid of it, as a possum usually only stays in one area for a maximum of three days.

If a possum won’t leave on its own, you can use a live trap to catch it. Use a trap least 12 inches high and wide and 32 inches long to catch the animal. Bait the trap with ripe fruit


HOW TO GET RID OF OPOSSUMS IN THE ATTIC: Yes, this does happen quite frequently (see photo to left and below), and this is a very complex case. This almost always involves an adult female with baby possums. The baby opossums usually cling to their mother, but they drop off one by one as they grow, and it’s very common for small ones to rome around in the attic, and fall down walls or other cavities. There they will call out with a kind of chirping call, and if not removed, will die and cause an odor problem. Here are the general steps for removing opossums from an attic.

Step 1: Inspect the home, and find the entry hole(s), which are very large and obvious.

Step 2: Enter the attic. If you find the adult female, catch her via snare pole.

Step 3: Search the attic carefully, and find and remove any baby possums by hand.

Step 4: If you couldn’t find and remove them all (very hard to do), you will have to set traps. This is the only species for which traps in the attic will be successful.

Step 5: Once they are all out, repair the entry holes with pro-grade repairs.

Step 6: Clean the attic, removing all feces, and spray with enzyme cleaner.

Remember: An opossum in the attic often has babies. They must be removed too.

HOW TO GET RID OF OPOSSUMS VIA TRAPPING: Opossum trapping is subject to state laws regarding capture and relocation or euthanization of wildlife. If you have unwanted possums outside the home, in some cases, the only fix is to trap and remove the nuisance wildlife. We can safely, legally, and effectively catch and remove your nuisance opossums. Trapping is an art, and most amateur attempts go awry for a variety of reasons. An intimate knowledge of opossum behavior, both prior to and after trapping, and of various opossum trap types is necessary to ensure that the possum is trapped and removed without incident.

STEP 1: Determine if trapping is necessary, or if there is a preventative alternative.

STEP 2: Select the right trap for the situation, there are many types of opossum traps.

STEP 3: Set the traps in the correct areas, in the shade, camouflaged, on a flat sturdy surface, away from any obstructions or areas that can be damaged, etc.

STEP 4: Use the correct bait. Don’t use meat-based baits, which can attract stray cats.

STEP 5: Monitor the trap daily, remove trapped opossums & transport them.


Opossum prevention – how to keep opossums away from your house and yard – Opossums are odd creatures that normally grow to the size of your average house cat. Despite the fact that their heritage has been linked to as far back as dinosaur days, it would seem that they haven’t really evolved much, still being classed as wildlife problem or pest, although they do have a few tricks up their sleeves if caught by an angry human, which in all fairness, can often work to the humans advantage!

How to Get Rid of Possums

What is the best way on how to get rid of possums? Home appliances such as repellents and deterrents can be the option. The most effective repellents are focused on urine from mammals, such as bear, coyote, and fox.

Within the wild, urine is used by predators to mark their territories and their prey to avoid certain areas. Urine-based insecticides imitate their appearance and encourage many species to stay away. Because these materials contain heavily smelling ammonia, some homeowners do not like them.

Pepper sprays are repellents for the taste, which can be added to plants. These not only taste bad but can cause a burning feeling as well. An electronic deterrent is a safest and absolutely non-toxic way to keep possums away from your property.

The easiest way to get rid of possums is to know their habits. Although they prefer wooded areas or open fields near to lakes, they take up residency in abandoned burrows; tree crevices; brush piles; or areas below stairs, decks, and outbuildings.

Such species are mostly nocturnal, meaning that they’re usually only busy at night and resting all day long. Typically, they will leave some signs of their existence by droppings, footprints, overturned pet food dishes or garbage cans, and plant damage.

How Do I Get Rid of Possums

How Can I Prevent Possums In My Home?

Trim low tree branches and keep grass and shrubs short and tidy. Possums like to hide in bushy areas and can take up residence in piles of branches and other types of debris. If any tree branches come in contact with your home, eliminate them. These can create a “bridge” that can be used for possums to get into your attic and roof.

If you have old unused items in your yard including cars and furniture, get rid of it quickly before it becomes a home for a possum family.

Add screening to areas under your home to prevent possums from accessing them.

Add fencing around your home that is at least four feet high. If you decide to add electric fending it should be at least three to four inches above the top of the fence.

What Are Some Home Remedies For Possum Problems?

Ammonia is another very effective deterrent. Pour some into an old coffee can and place a rag into it. This will act as a wick and disperse the ammonia fumes.

Live trap the animals and remove them far away from your home.

How To Get Rid Of Possums With?

Get rid of Possums. has plenty of effective solutions for the elimination and deterring of possums

A Complete Guide To Possum Pests

Don’t let their looks fool you, although cute and cuddly, possums can be a real pain when they invade your home. In addition to the ruckus they cause as they go about their business inside your home, possums present a health risk as they can spread disease to humans and pets. Possums spread diseases through their urine and droppings.

The Lifecycle Of A Possum

Possums are marsupials, meaning they carry their young in a pouch. They usually give birth in May and June after a gestation period of about 17 days.  A newborn possum is about 1.5 cm long and only weighs about 2 g. Despite the small size, the newborn can climb unaided through fur into the female’s pouch where it attaches to a teat.

The young possum will feed and develop for about 5 months while still inside the mother’s pouch. It will then spend another two months clinging to its mother’s back as she moves around. Usually, possums give birth to only one young at a time, which males do not participate in looking after.

Control and Prevention of the Possum

The first step in possum control is prevention. Keep them out of your home and you won’t have to worry about getting rid of them. To keep possums out of your home you should:

Cover all openings that possums could use to get into the house. If it’s a vent, use a slotted metal vent cover to ensure that no animals get through.

Trim the tree branches near your home so that they are at least 10 ft from your roof. Possums are good climbers and could use them to get to your roof.

Protect low decks by installing grid screening and other suitable barriers.

Racoon, A Problem And Pest

Raccoon Control

uses environmentally friendly Raccoon Control products as well as humane Raccoon Control methods to keep you and your children safe while performing the Raccoon Control job. Our knowledgeable pest technician will answer any questions you may have and explain to you every detail you need or want to know about the job. We are always friendly and we are here to help.

Females are looking for nesting places from Mid-March to late May. They love dark, quiet corners in attics, basements and crawl spaces found in houses, sheds, and barns

A mother will do anything possible to protect her newborn kits including producing a loud sharp screech followed by bites and scratches to any human or other animal such as a cat or dog who get too close near her nest.

This animal looks like:

Raccoons reside and have distinctive black facial masks and black striped tails. Adults have a whitish grey coat that sometimes turns yellow when shedding. They have short round ears and black eyes. They can grow up to three feet long and some weigh as much as thirty pounds. Raccoons are very good at climbing trees because their its long, sharp claws.

this pest is hunted for food and for sport. They have been known to carry roundworm, which is transmitted to humans through ingestion and inhalation of eggs passed in their feces. They can also sometimes carry rabies. While preyed upon by foxes, bobcats, coyotes and owls, the common raccoon is more frequently killed by cars and disease. It can often be rabid without showing any outward symptoms of the viral disease

Fast, Effective & Affordable Raccoon Removal

Raccoons are one of the most destructive types of pests that can invade your home. They have sharp teeth and claws and can get into just about anywhere. At best they might make a mess of your garbage as they scavenge for food, but at worst they can easily rip through the roof of your home and set up a nest in your attic.

Having raccoons can be big trouble. Aside from causing damage, they can also carry disease such as rabies, raccoon roundworm, and salmonella. They defecate and urinate pretty much anywhere, making the spread of disease that much more likely, especially if you have children. Raccoons will generally avoid confrontation with humans but can attack and injure family pets. But they can even attack humans if they are cornered!

trained technicians will trap any animals that are inside your home and safely remove them. We try to be as humane as possible – even though these pests can cause a lot of damage we still don’t want to hurt them.

Raccoons can be a pest, there’s no doubt about it. But that doesn’t mean that we want to hurt them, they’re just trying to survive! We believe in humane raccoon removal of the mother and the pups. We’ll carefully remove raccoons from your home and safely transport them far away so that they won’t come back. We’ll introduce them to a natural habitat with plenty of dense forestry and a good supply of water so they’ll be able to quickly re-establish themselves without any harm or stress.



This nocturnal animal is a frequent guest at many homes and buildings. You’ll find them searching through garbage cans or dumpsters looking for food. But of greater concern is that this animal may literally tear into an attic and nest there leaving droppings and making quite a bit of noise. In other instances, they may climb down into a chimney and nest near the damper.

This large animal, known for its distinctive “masked” face and beautiful fur, may grow to between 24″ and 48″ in length and weigh between 12 lbs. and 25 lbs..  A litter of raccoons may contain between three and six young.


Raccoon have opposable thumbs giving them greater dexterity compared to other pest animals and making them more formidable to deal with.  Control is dependent on the situation. Exclusion is very practical in many cases. For chimneys, chimney caps are available to prevent raccoons from entering there. Garbage cans with secured lids will discourage continued attacks on those items. Also, pruning back of trees from the structure may remove access to an attic and allow for repairs. 

Apply the DeTour Repellent on the openings and entry points where the small animals enter the buildings/attics. Another great idea is to place some plates with peanuts at a few different spots in the attic then apply the DeTour on the edge of the plate. The rodent / small animal will be attracted to the peanuts and while trying to eat them they come in contact with the Detour. This will get them to run out of the structure.

Note that many state and local governments regulate trapping of wild/nuisance animals – you may want to check with local authorities first.

Raccoon Removal Cost

How Much Does It Cost to Remove Raccoons?

Raccoons are nocturnal mammals easily identified by the black “mask” on their faces, small, stocky bodies, and striped tails. Raccoons are frequently found in areas such as chimneys and attics, particularly when a female is ready to give birth; they prefer the enclosed, warm, dry spaces that most homes can provide. Depending on food sources and access, you may also find raccoons in your porch or outbuildings. Removing raccoons should be done by a professional because these pests can spread disease and make an enormous mess in your home.

The average cost to remove raccoons ranges between $375-$625, with the average homeowner spending around $550 on traps, relocation, and basic cleaning of the area.

Raccoon Removal Cost by Method

Raccoon pest control strategies vary on a case by case basis. A pest technician must first assess your property to determine the location of the raccoon and how many of the wildlife are present. The total raccoon removal cost is usually inclusive of the inspection and the recommended treatments. If you do require any follow-up visits, that will cost an additional $150 or more. Usually, only a follow-up appointment is needed if you notice signs that the raccoon has returned, such as lawn damage or attic damage. The following are the three most common techniques used for raccoon removal.

Raccoon Traps

Raccoon traps are non-lethal devices that are strategically placed around your home or yard. Once the raccoon pest control specialist has determined where the raccoons are nesting, a baited trap is set. Once the raccoon enters the trap, a mechanism locks the door behind the creature to keep it safely inside until the pest technician returns. Fresh vegetables or meats are typical baits for raccoon traps. The average cost of trapping a raccoon is around $75 to $125 per trap.

Raccoon Relocation

Raccoon relocation is considered the humane way to remove raccoons from your property. After capturing the animal, technicians must return to your property and properly relocate the raccoon to an approved spot. They must be relocated at least ten miles away to keep them from returning to your yard. Raccoon relocation costs start at $100 to $175.

Nuisance Animal Control & Exclusion Service

As a result of urban growth, encounters with wildlife have become all too common for the average homeowner. But while it may be fun to see animals in their natural setting, having a skunk under your porch or a raccoon in your attic is not something anybody wants. If you come across wildlife residing in or around your home

Common Nuisance Animals

When the weather takes a turn for the colder, wild animals lose their natural food sources. It’s at this time that they tend to seek out warmth and shelter. Unfortunately for homeowners, sometimes the shelters they find are inside the walls or attics of their houses.

there are many nuisance animals that are known to invade homes, including:






While they very rarely inhabit homes, groundhogs, voles and moles are also considered nuisance wildlife, because they can dig up your yard and garden. Common nuisance birds include woodpeckers, sparrows and starlings.

The Threats Wildlife Pose

Like other pests, nuisance animals can wreak havoc on your home’s structure. Oftentimes, they’re carriers of diseases like rabies, tularemia, typhus and ringworm, and in some cases, even zoonotic viruses such as Ebola and Nipah. In addition to posing health concerns, these pests can chew through wires and wood, tear away insulation, and do a number on other housing materials

How To Grip The Bat Properly

Bat Removal & Bat Control

How do bats get inside?

Bats can enter a structure through holes as small as a nickel. Most commonly bats get into roof or attic spaces through vents, but they will also fly in through chimneys or windows if given the opportunity. If you live in a bat-heavy area, screening windows and doors is advised if you like to leave them open.

Do bats pose health risks?

Yes, exposure to bats or their guano (droppings) can pose many health risks, including but not limited to Histoplasmosis and Rabies. Bats can also bring ectoparasites, fleas or mites, indoors. Although not aggressive in nature, some bats will bite if they feel threatened

Can a bat infestation cause property damage?

Bat guano can accumulate over time leading to significant, costly damage. Their guano and urine can also stain interior and exterior walls. Insulation damage is common for bat infestations in attic spaces. Due to the health risks, damaged property often needs to be stripped or replaced to avoid potential disease transmission.


Bats are creatures that are actually quite good for the environment. However, no one will deny that they can also become pests. This is especially true when they decide to make your house their home

How do Bats Choose a Roost?

Bats may choose different types of roosts based on certain factors. Sometimes it can depend on what time of year it is. Other times, it depends solely on what the bat needs at that moment.

The different types of roosts that bats choose include:

• Maternity Roosts – In the early summer months, bats will look for a maternity roost to have their babies. Warm and dry spaces indoors are very good for this purpose.

• Hibernation Roosts – Bats are creatures that hibernate during the winter months. Underground caves are usually quite suitable for hibernation. They give them a place where they won’t be disturbed.

• Tree Roosts – Trees are actually very attractive roosts for bats. They offer protection from the elements. They also offer an assortment of bugs for bats to feed on.

• Building Roosts – Bats will frequently be found in attic spaces of homes, churches and other buildings. They actually offer the perfect form of protection for them.

• Underground Roosts – Caves, cellars and mines might be perfect for bats all year long. They are great for hibernation, but also offer safe spaces for feeding and mating.

Why are Bats Such a Menace?

Bats are animals that most people prefer to avoid and their presence in your home is definitely not welcome. That’s because they can cause structural damage and spread diseases.


Bats are nocturnal mammals that feed primarily on plants (i.e., nectar, fruit), insects and spiders, so they can be considered beneficial for reducing some insect populations. There are currently approximately 1,300 bat species recognized. Some species feed on small birds, frogs and/or fish.

Notorious vampire bats, consisting of three species total, feed only on blood to survive. These species blood feed on a variety of animals, including reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals (including humans). The common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) is distributed through. Scientists have discovered that vampire bat saliva contains effective anticoagulants that are used to prevent clotting during blood feeding.

Bats can range in size from approximately 2 grams (e.g., bumblebee bat) to 2.5 pounds (flying foxes). Most bat species are active at night and use echolocation to locate/capture food. However, there is one bat species (Samoan flying fox [Pteropus samoensis]) that is active primarily during the daytime


Bats should be excluded from homes due to the possibility of pathogens being transmitted to humans (either through bite or from aerosolized pathogens in droppings). The rabies virus has been associated with animals such as raccoons (highest incidence), followed by bats, skunks, foxes, cats, cattle and dogs (Monroe et al. 2016). When a human is bitten by a rabid animal, that person may become infected with the rabies virus

The rabies virus affects the central nervous system of victims and organs (e.g., skin, heart). After an incubation period of a few weeks to a few months (typically), the rabies virus infects the salivary glands of potential vectors and can be transmitted to victims via saliva at the bite site. There are post-bite rabies vaccines available for humans, and these therapies increase the chances of survival of a rabies virus infection. Although there is a low incidence of bats transmitting the rabies virus to humans (one to two cases/year), rabies has been detected in all continental.

Choosing the Ideal Bat Removal Service

Just like other rodents, if bats invade you’re your home; you will realize that they will do so as a colony. Bats are nocturnal animals and love occupying the ceilings in people’s houses. One of the most challenging tasks to undertake is the bat removal

The bats are categorized as the pest because they typically live in people’s homes where they cause destruction. However, people have limited information on the bats and how their existence affects the environment and the human beings


One of the most common misconceptions about the bats is that they are bids. People refer to the bats as birds because they can fly as most birds do. Well, on the contrary, bats are flying mammals which operate at night and live in large colonies.


Just like the other types of mammals, the bats have self-defense, mechanism. We had earlier indicated that the bats typically avoid physical contact with the human beings. When the bats are handled, just like the rats, they could bite you out of feat


One of the complaints that many homeowners typically have about the bats is the guano which refers to the bat droppings. Guano usually creates an unpleasant smell and piles up after a very short time bearing in mind that the bats live as a colony.


Think mice with wings and you are on the right track. These bats are great at catching bugs on the wing but can’t gnaw through your walls to get inside. Instead they usually use existing holes in the house to get in

Exclusion: We want to exclude the pest from getting into the house. If there are multiple holes we will close all of them except one. Then, we install a “one-way door or funnel”. This device allows the animal to get out but not back in again. After waiting a few days the device is removed and the final hole closed. It should be noted that this method leaves the animal(s) alive and in familiar territory so it has the best chance of finding another home.

Trapping: We can leave a trap or traps set for the animal(s) and once we have caught it (them) we can close up the access hole

Getting Rid Of Silverfish

Silverfish Top Five Favorite Things to Eat

Silverfish are a common problem in many households. These tiny silver insects are commonly found in libraries, attics, and storage areas in people’s homes. Silverfish look like tiny fish, which is where they get their name. They are notorious for eating and destroying items in people’s homes. Knowing what attracts silverfish and what they like to eat is important if you are trying to get rid of a silverfish infestation or you want to eliminate or protect the type of items they like to eat.


One of the biggest things that silverfish like to eat is paper. They are attracted to and will eat all kinds of paper. This is why silverfish are often found in the libraries and studies of people’s homes. Silverfish are in need of starch in their diet, which is why they like to eat paper. Silverfish particular like older paper, as it is starchier and easier for the silverfish to digest.


Silverfish love to eat glue, particularly the kinds of glues that are used in binding books and in photo albums. Once again it is the polysaccharides in glue that attract silverfish, particularly a type of polysaccharide called dextrin.

Clothing and Cloth

Linen, silk, and cotton are particular favorites of silverfish. They enjoy eating the polysaccride in these types of materials, making costume shops, attics, and closets popular places to find silverfish. While these types of material are their favorite, silverfish have also been known to eat leather and synthetic materials if cotton, linen, and silk are not available. They have also been known to cause damage to wall tapestries.

Human Food

Like many insects, silverfish also like to eat human food. Because of this, kitchens are another popular infestation site. In particular, silverfish like to eat sugar and coffee. Other human foods that silverfish enjoy eating include dried pasta and dried meat, flour, and rolled oats.


Toothpaste is another non-food item that silverfish love to eat. It is full of polysaccharides including starches and dextrin. Silverfish have been known to eat toothpaste out of the tube or off the rim of your sink. Silverfish’s love of toothpaste is one reason to keep your bathroom clean

Tips to prevent silverfish

Here are some tips to keep silverfish from becoming a problem in your home:

  • Keep all dry food in your cupboards in sealed containers. This will keep them free of moisture.
  • Dust your home often. This will keep silverfish from particles that may contain starches or saccharides that they like to eat.
  • Remove items with adhesive from your home. This includes stacksof paper, laundry, cardboard boxes, or other items that silverfish could be attracted to.
  • Store clothes in a dry environment. Store clothes you won’t wear for a while in containers that silverfish can’t get into.
  • Clean up any food particles around your home. This is especially important right after a meal. Use a HEPA vacuum that can also suck up silverfish eggs and keep them from reproducing and multiplying.
  • Use caulking. Cover up cracks, holes, or openings to keep silverfish out and stop them from laying eggs.

Identifying Silverfish

Since silverfish are nocturnal, you might not realize you have an infestation in your home unless you chance upon one when turning on the light in a darkened room. These wingless insects, Lespisma sacchrina, received the name silverfish because of the silvery-brown shade of their scales. Silverfish mature at about 3/4 inch in length. Their heads sprout two long antennae, while three long “tails” appear on their other end. Juvenile silverfish look just like adults, but smaller.

Outdoor Nest Areas

Outside, silverfish nest under rocks or tree bark or in moldy places. Birds’ nests and those of rodents are also home to silverfish, as are the nests of other insects, including termites. Silverfish often nest in the crawl spaces of buildings. Since they prefer temperatures ranging between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the onset of cool weather often sends them seeking shelter indoors.

Indoor Nest Areas

Indoors, silverfish prefer damp areas with high humidity. That’s why you’ll often find silverfish in basements, kitchens, laundry rooms and around heating and water pipes. They nest and lay eggs in cracks and crevices in those locations. Kitchen cupboards are another favorite nesting locale, since crumbs and other dried foods are so readily available. Silverfish also frequently infest attics and closets, where they feed on books, clothing, paper and other carbohydrate sources.

How to get rid of silverfish

The thought of tiny little silver insects crawling all over your bathroom, pantry and closet can be enough to send you running to the phone to call pest control. While pest control can ensure that you are rid of these unwelcome guests, there are some steps you can take that can lighten your load of silverfish. Here are 5 ways to effectively get rid of silverfish from your home.

  • 1.) Dry them out – Silverfish thoroughly enjoy wet areas. First, you will need to fix any leaking water around sinks, refrigerators or toilets. Any stagnant water will provide a nice breeding ground for silverfish. Use a humidifier in suspected areas to help remove excess water or damp areas.
  • 2.) Offend their sense of smell – Another good remedy to remove silverfish is to place moth balls around areas where silverfish have been spotted. Silverfish can’t stand the smell of mothballs. Mothballs will not kill silverfish; rather serve as a deterrent from areas where they are placed. Spices such as sage, bay leaves and cloves also serve well as good repellants.
  • 3.) Seal your food – Silverfish make their way into your pantry for carbohydrate sources, their favorite snack. Seal all of your cereals and grains in plastic containers with airtight lids.
  • 4.) Clean up your mess – Vacuuming often can be a great way to get rid of any food crumbs or stuffs around your home. Vacuuming can also help remove egg clutches and prevent further silverfish infestations.
  • 5.) Chemical power – Chemicals such as boric acid are common in killing silverfish. By spraying in areas that may be suspect to silverfish traffic, you can effectively get rid of silverfish. The use of powdered boric acid on top of sugary or starchy foods is an effective bait tactic.

Silverfish repellents that DON’T work

You may notice a few regular names not appearing in the above list, and that’s because they’re actually not useful in repelling silverfish and find themselves mixed up with other pest repellents by accident. Here are silverfish repellents that just don’t work…


For example, cucumber is often slated as being a fantastic natural repellent for silverfish but in actuality it doesn’t really do anything at all. In fact, cucumber is a fantastic source of moisture for insects and bugs.


Salt, too, is often mentioned in conjunction with repelling silverfish, but again this is not true. In actual fact, the opposite is true: the salt attracts silverfish and provides a tempting source of food for them.

The bonus is that, obviously, the salt dehydrates them and can often lead to death, which can make it handy bait for traps and the like, but not a good repellent.


Bizarrely, parsley is also commonly mistaken as a repellent recommended for silverfish. There’s very little evidence or argument to back this up; it’s much more likely that folk are mixing up parsley’s effectiveness in repelling red ants with its complete impotency surrounding silverfish.

How To Prevent & Get Rid Of Silverfish


Although most silverfish live outdoors, they readily can be found in homes. Silverfish prefer places with high moisture, such as basements, bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchens. Silverfish are known as nuisance pests because they do not bite humans or pets but cause damage to household items, like clothing and books.

Silverfish are difficult to exterminate because they move around at night. Most of the time, homeowners don’t know they are in the home until they notice the damage causing by silverfish feeding.

Instead of choosing chemical controls that contain toxic and harmful substances, you can choose controls to eliminate the silverfish pests in your home.

You can make homemade traps and use products found in the home to help control silverfish. If these do not work, you can buy poison-free products from Safer® Brand to control silverfish and other insect pests in your home.

So…What’s a Silverfish?

What are silverfish? They are silvery, but they are definitely not fish. They are insects that have silvery, overlapping scales that tend to easily rub off. They come inside searching for food and find any minute food particle left lying around your home. Silverfish don’t stink or bring germs inside your home.

Silverfish Pest Control Tips for Businesses & Commercial Buildings

Silverfish are nocturnal pests, emerging at night to find food and water. For the best silverfish pest control, you’ll need to understand the bug and the methods of control.

Unlike many pests, silverfish cause no direct bodily harm. They do, however, cause quite a bit of property damage. They feed on clothing, upholstery, paper, and similar items, leaving a trail of destruction behind them.

Identifying Silverfish

Silverfish are segmented insects that measure from 1/2 to 3/4 inches long at maturity. They look similar to a pill bug but are more streamlined.

Silverfish: Impact on Business

Silverfish love polysaccharides. These polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates such as starch, dextrin, and cellulose.

What You Can Do

You can take steps to eliminate silverfish. By removing their sources of food and comfort, you’ll reduce their population.


The Latin name for silverfish, Lepisma saccharina, translates to “sugar eater”. It was chosen because silverfish tend to eat starchy foods high in carbohydrates and protein. The insect’s common name comes from the insect’s distinctive metallic appearance and fish-like shape and movement. They are commonly found feeding on books or book bindings, but may also eat loose paper, photographs, sugar, coffee, hair, carpeting, flour, dried meat, rolled oats and clothing, especially if it has been starched. They are nocturnal and can survive in most climates, but prefer high humidity (75% to 90%) and warm temperatures (70-80° F).

The female silverfish deposits eggs continuously after reaching the adult stage and may deposit more than 100 eggs during her life. Eggs are deposited singly or in small groups in cracks and crevices ready to hatch in anywhere from 2 weeks to two months after being laid. Silverfish have variable life cycle lengths and can reach adulthood as shortly as three months after hatching; however, they have been known to take up to three years to reach adulthood

Take preemptive action around your home or area you would wish to achieve control. Below are some methods of preventing silverfish from becoming a problem.

Insecticide treatments should target areas such as cracks and crevices, around baseboards, closets and attics where silverfish are likely to be active. Look for products with active ingredients like d-Limonene (Orange Guard, Safer Ant & Roach Killer), Clove Oil and Thyme Oil (Essentria G), Boric Acid, or Diatomaceous Earth for fast, economical and efficient control.


As the name implies, silverfish are silver or gray insects that move from side to side in a manner that resembles the motions of a swimming fish


Silverfish can go for long periods of time without nourishment. When the pests eat, they prefer foods high in carbohydrates and protein, including cereal grains, dried meat, dead insects, and other silverfish. Inside homes, silverfish may attack and eat synthetic fabrics, silk, glue contained in book bindings, wallpaper, and paper products. Nymphs can cause just as much damage to books, paper products, stored foods, and clothing as adults since they need to feed in order to grow.


Silverfish are typically seen in moist, humid areas in the home, such as bathrooms, basements, and attics, much like its relative the firebrat. They tend to hide their presence from humans, which means any damage they cause could go unnoticed


Silverfish lay their eggs in cool, moist, and dark places, such as cracks, crevices, and other narrow spaces near sources of food. The tiny, white, oval-shaped eggs are laid in groups of 1 to 200.


Newly hatched silverfish are white and squishy. They do not grow their characteristic silver scales for several weeks. Once the scales come in, young nymphs have the appearance of tiny adult silverfish. The insects continue to molt throughout their lives, maturing through over 60 instars and growing to an average size of 3/4″.

Silverfish! What Are They And How To Get Rid Of Them?

Silverfish are scientifically known to be around 400 million years old. Making them quite possibly one of the oldest species of insects to walk the face of the earth. Their name is courtesy of their appearance, with a light grey complexion and fish-like appearance these small wingless insects are a big inconvenience to deal with.

How To Identify Silverfish?

The first thing you should focus on is proper identification. This helps in evaluating the problem and the degree of infestation that is taking place in your house.

How Do Silverfish Get In Your House?

Silverfish are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active during the nighttime. Due to their proclivity to the dark, they are extremely sensitive to light. Hence they prefer damp and high humidity conditions to thrive.

What Do Silverfish Eat?

The biggest problem associated with silverfish is mainly related to their consumption habits. For survival, these creatures consume a diet rich in polysaccharides such as starch, cellulose, sugar etc

Are Silverfish Harmful?

Silverfish are not carnivorous in nature, that means that they do not need to feed on humans or other animals for their survival. They do not bite and are not venomous in nature. They are not known to carry and transmit any diseases to humans.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your House

Tips to Prevent or Control Bed Bugs

Make sure you really have bed bugs, not fleas, ticks or other insects.

You can compare your insect to the pictures on our Identifying bed bugs Web page or show it to your local extension agent.EXIT (Extension agents are trained in pest control issues and know your local area.)

Don’t panic!

It can be difficult to eliminate bed bugs, but it’s not impossible. Don’t throw out all of your things because most of them can be treated and saved. Throwing stuff out is expensive, may spread the bed bugs to other people’s homes and could cause more stress

Think through your treatment options — Don’’t immediately reach for the spray can.

Be comprehensive in your approach. Try other things first. Integrated pest management (IPM) techniques may reduce the number of bed bugs and limit your contact with pesticides. If pesticides are needed, always follow label directions or hire a professional

Reduce the number of hiding places — Clean up the clutter.

A cluttered home provides more places for bed bugs to hide and makes locating and treating them harder. If bed bugs are in your mattress, using special bed bug covers (encasements) on your mattress and box springs makes it harder for bed bugs to get to you while you sleep. Leave the encasements on for a year. Be sure to buy a product that has been tested for bed bugs and is strong enough to last for the full year without tearing.

Regularly wash and heat-dry your bed sheets, blankets, bedspreads and any clothing that touches the floor.

This reduces the number of bed bugs. Bed bugs and their eggs can hide in laundry containers/hampers Remember to clean them when you do the laundry.


You’ve undoubtedly heard the expression, “Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” And as a child, bed bugs might have been some creature that you thought only existed in silly bedtime rhymes. But these insects are absolutely real and, if you’re like most people, you don’t want to find them anywhere in your house

What Do Bed Bugs Eat?

Bed bugs need the blood of warm-blooded creatures to survive. Though they may feed on animals, bed bugs are generally found feeding on the blood of humans

As bed bugs feed on warm-blooded creatures, it’s only natural that they’re attracted to you. Specifically, they’re drawn in by your body heat, the carbon dioxide you exhale and other biological signatures. In fact, they’re called bed bugs because they’re often found on or around bedding. Cracks and crevices in box springs, headboards and bed frames make cozy homes for the bed bugs that are waiting for you to rest so they can get a nice warm blood meal.

How Do You Get Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are adept at hitchhiking. They’re typically transported by people or their belongings, such as suitcases, purses or coats. More or less, any place where you’ve sat or rested is a location where you could pick up bed bugs. In addition, people who travel — or who have guests come to visit — might have an increased risk of getting bed bugs

What Should You Do if You Suspect Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are excellent hiders and prolific breeders and can live for around 12 months as an adult, so this isn’t a situation in which do-it-yourself methods are a good idea. If you think you have bed bugs, your best bet is to contact a bed bug control professional.

How To Choose A Pest Control Company


According to Andy Architect of the National Pest Management Association, there are more that 19,000 pest management firms operating in the United States. Unfortunately, these companies are not all created equally

Use web and telephone directories to locate several pest management firms in your area. Some may designate themselves as bed bug specialists, but this designation should only be an indicator and not a deciding factor

Only utilize companies that have been registered to apply pesticides by the pesticide regulatory agency in your state. Lacking this license should serve as an immediate red flag

Search for companies that use integrated pest management (IPM) services. IPM is a form of pest management designed to minimize the use of pesticides. Companies that utilize an IPM approach are more likely to provide ongoing monitoring and a multidisciplinary approach to bed bug management


Once you hire a pest management firm they may be entering your home and spraying pesticides or performing services that can cost hundreds of dollars. Interviewing the selected companies is not only your right, it is strongly advised.

What to Do If You Have Bedbugs

You woke up with some strange marks on your pillow case. Or, you’ve noticed mysterious red welts on your arms. Maybe you’ve spotted them right there in your bed. Bugs!

Bedbugs have spread rapidly over the past two decades, and the prospect of infestation can strike fear into the most cool-headed of people. We understand—at least five of our staff members have battled bedbugs in the past few years, including me. When we were researching our guide to the best mattress cover, we found a real lack of levelheaded, practical advice on what to do if you suspect a bedbug infestation at your home.

To find out the first steps you should take if you think you have bedbugs, we talked to Molly Wilson, then the director of the Bed Bug and Urban Pest Information Center at Virginia Tech; Jeff White, technical director of Bed Bug Central, an educational resource on dealing with bedbugs; and Matt Kelly, owner of Philadelphia-based Prodigy Pest Solutions. We also put together some tips on how to avoid encountering or bringing home bedbugs when you travel

Don’t panic

If you think you have bedbugs, don’t move furniture out of the room, don’t throw mattresses and other belongings away (we’ll explain why this is almost never necessary), don’t rip up carpet, and don’t use DIY pesticides on the bugs—all of this can spread the bedbugs further throughout your home.


There are many bedbug lookalikes, including carpet beetles, spider beetles, roach nymphs, and bat bugs, Matt Kelly explained.

Bed Bugs

Until fairly recently, most people (and even pest control professionals) had never seen a bed bug. Bed bug infestations actually used to be very common in the United States before World War II. But with improvements in hygiene, and especially the widespread use of DDT during the 1940s and ‘50s, the bed bugs all but vanished. The pests persisted, however, in some areas of the world including parts of Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. Over roughly the past decade, bed bugs have made a dramatic comeback in the U.S.― they’re appearing increasingly in homes, apartments, hotels, health care facilities, dormitories, shelters, schools and public transportation. Other places where bed bugs sometimes occur include movie theaters, laundries, rental furniture, and office buildings. Immigration and international travel have contributed to the resurgence of bed bugs in the U.S. Changes in modern pest control practice, less effective insecticides ― and a decrease in societal vigilance ― are other factors suspected for the recurrence.

Description and Habits

Bed bugs are small, brownish, flattened insects that feed solely on the blood of animals. Although the common bed bug (Cimex lectularius) prefers feeding on humans, it will also bite other warm-blooded animals, including dogs, cats, birds and rodents. It has done so since ancient times; bed bugs are mentioned in medieval European texts and classical Greek writings back to the time of Aristotle.

Adult bed bugs are about 3/16” long and reddish-brown, with oval-shaped, flattened bodies. They are sometimes mistaken for ticks, cockroaches, carpet beetles or other household insects. The immature bed bugs (nymphs) resemble the adults, but are smaller and lighter in color. Bed bugs do not fly, and they don’t jump like fleas do ― but they can crawl rapidly over floors, walls, ceilings and other surfaces. Adult females lay their eggs in secluded places, depositing 1, 2 or more eggs per day, potentially hundreds during their lifetime. The eggs are tiny (about the size of a dust spec), whitish and hard to see without magnification, especially on light-colored surfaces. When first laid, the eggs are sticky, causing them to adhere to surfaces. At room temperatures, bed bug eggs hatch in about a week. Newly emerged nymphs are straw-colored and no bigger than a pinhead.

As bed bugs grow they molt, shedding their skin five times before reaching maturity. A blood meal is needed between each successive molt. Adult females also must feed in order to lay eggs. Under favorable conditions (70-80°F), the bugs can mature fully in as little as a month, producing multiple generations per year. Cooler temperatures or limited access to blood prolong the development time

Bed bugs are very resilient. Nymphs and adults can persist months without feeding which is unusual for most insects. The ability to survive without a blood meal is longer at cooler temperatures ― potentially up to a year or longer at 55°F or less. In temperature-controlled buildings, a more typical duration is about 2 to 6 months. Consequently, it is usually impractical to leave buildings unoccupied in hopes of ‘starving out’ an infestation. When infested dwellings such as apartments are vacated, bed bugs often disperse to nearby units, or reduce their activity until the unit is reoccupied.