How To Grip The Bat Properly

Bat Removal & Bat Control

How do bats get inside?

Bats can enter a structure through holes as small as a nickel. Most commonly bats get into roof or attic spaces through vents, but they will also fly in through chimneys or windows if given the opportunity. If you live in a bat-heavy area, screening windows and doors is advised if you like to leave them open.

Do bats pose health risks?

Yes, exposure to bats or their guano (droppings) can pose many health risks, including but not limited to Histoplasmosis and Rabies. Bats can also bring ectoparasites, fleas or mites, indoors. Although not aggressive in nature, some bats will bite if they feel threatened

Can a bat infestation cause property damage?

Bat guano can accumulate over time leading to significant, costly damage. Their guano and urine can also stain interior and exterior walls. Insulation damage is common for bat infestations in attic spaces. Due to the health risks, damaged property often needs to be stripped or replaced to avoid potential disease transmission.


Bats are creatures that are actually quite good for the environment. However, no one will deny that they can also become pests. This is especially true when they decide to make your house their home

How do Bats Choose a Roost?

Bats may choose different types of roosts based on certain factors. Sometimes it can depend on what time of year it is. Other times, it depends solely on what the bat needs at that moment.

The different types of roosts that bats choose include:

• Maternity Roosts – In the early summer months, bats will look for a maternity roost to have their babies. Warm and dry spaces indoors are very good for this purpose.

• Hibernation Roosts – Bats are creatures that hibernate during the winter months. Underground caves are usually quite suitable for hibernation. They give them a place where they won’t be disturbed.

• Tree Roosts – Trees are actually very attractive roosts for bats. They offer protection from the elements. They also offer an assortment of bugs for bats to feed on.

• Building Roosts – Bats will frequently be found in attic spaces of homes, churches and other buildings. They actually offer the perfect form of protection for them.

• Underground Roosts – Caves, cellars and mines might be perfect for bats all year long. They are great for hibernation, but also offer safe spaces for feeding and mating.

Why are Bats Such a Menace?

Bats are animals that most people prefer to avoid and their presence in your home is definitely not welcome. That’s because they can cause structural damage and spread diseases.


Bats are nocturnal mammals that feed primarily on plants (i.e., nectar, fruit), insects and spiders, so they can be considered beneficial for reducing some insect populations. There are currently approximately 1,300 bat species recognized. Some species feed on small birds, frogs and/or fish.

Notorious vampire bats, consisting of three species total, feed only on blood to survive. These species blood feed on a variety of animals, including reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals (including humans). The common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) is distributed through. Scientists have discovered that vampire bat saliva contains effective anticoagulants that are used to prevent clotting during blood feeding.

Bats can range in size from approximately 2 grams (e.g., bumblebee bat) to 2.5 pounds (flying foxes). Most bat species are active at night and use echolocation to locate/capture food. However, there is one bat species (Samoan flying fox [Pteropus samoensis]) that is active primarily during the daytime


Bats should be excluded from homes due to the possibility of pathogens being transmitted to humans (either through bite or from aerosolized pathogens in droppings). The rabies virus has been associated with animals such as raccoons (highest incidence), followed by bats, skunks, foxes, cats, cattle and dogs (Monroe et al. 2016). When a human is bitten by a rabid animal, that person may become infected with the rabies virus

The rabies virus affects the central nervous system of victims and organs (e.g., skin, heart). After an incubation period of a few weeks to a few months (typically), the rabies virus infects the salivary glands of potential vectors and can be transmitted to victims via saliva at the bite site. There are post-bite rabies vaccines available for humans, and these therapies increase the chances of survival of a rabies virus infection. Although there is a low incidence of bats transmitting the rabies virus to humans (one to two cases/year), rabies has been detected in all continental.

Choosing the Ideal Bat Removal Service

Just like other rodents, if bats invade you’re your home; you will realize that they will do so as a colony. Bats are nocturnal animals and love occupying the ceilings in people’s houses. One of the most challenging tasks to undertake is the bat removal

The bats are categorized as the pest because they typically live in people’s homes where they cause destruction. However, people have limited information on the bats and how their existence affects the environment and the human beings


One of the most common misconceptions about the bats is that they are bids. People refer to the bats as birds because they can fly as most birds do. Well, on the contrary, bats are flying mammals which operate at night and live in large colonies.


Just like the other types of mammals, the bats have self-defense, mechanism. We had earlier indicated that the bats typically avoid physical contact with the human beings. When the bats are handled, just like the rats, they could bite you out of feat


One of the complaints that many homeowners typically have about the bats is the guano which refers to the bat droppings. Guano usually creates an unpleasant smell and piles up after a very short time bearing in mind that the bats live as a colony.


Think mice with wings and you are on the right track. These bats are great at catching bugs on the wing but can’t gnaw through your walls to get inside. Instead they usually use existing holes in the house to get in

Exclusion: We want to exclude the pest from getting into the house. If there are multiple holes we will close all of them except one. Then, we install a “one-way door or funnel”. This device allows the animal to get out but not back in again. After waiting a few days the device is removed and the final hole closed. It should be noted that this method leaves the animal(s) alive and in familiar territory so it has the best chance of finding another home.

Trapping: We can leave a trap or traps set for the animal(s) and once we have caught it (them) we can close up the access hole